
Sunday 8 January 2017

Look after the pennies

As well as looking after the pennies I've been looking after the pounds by collecting the coins in a bottle. Now the government in their infinite wisdom have decided to change the shape of the coin by October of this year with the first 12 edged coins coming out in March. All the round coins will be phased out. I thought I'd better cash these in for notes rather than let them become redundant.

It's surprising how many coins can be collected in one bottle.

Well that's Christmas sorted. Now which coin shall I collect next?



  1. Hi Mum, you've amassed a good amount there. I've just started a found coin jar inspired by Katy from the Non-consumer Advocate's blog. I put my first contribution in there this morning, when I found and used a trolley at Lidl that still had a pound coin in it. (I subsequently changed the pound coin for some change with a fellow shopper, so I'm less likely to spend it and it won't go out of circulation).

  2. We checked our bottle, it had £90+, but we put it all back as there is nothing we need, but will be full by the summer.

  3. I am looking at a food poly bag packed with coins mainly of the bronze coloured variety.. They are sitting in front of me to remind me to take to the supermarket which has a money changer. I have no idea how these machines work. So I will be the dozy old woman who has to ask for the aid of someone. Gone are the days when you could take to the bank and they did it all.

    1. Beware, some of those machines charge a percentage, you don't get the full value back. You could feed them into a self serve checkout, or take them to your bank.

  4. The only coins that I save are copper, when I have enough they go into a charity box. I used to do the £2 coin in a sealed pot but it fizzled out.

  5. 12 edged, jeepers I wonder what the thinking was there?

  6. We save all our small change and any £2 coins that we get into a sealed tin, it really adds up. We're being extra vigilant not to put any pound coins in this year ready for the change.

  7. Well done on your savings, it all adds up xx


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