
Wednesday 5 October 2016

Rotten luck

Dry rot in the greenhouse means extensive work to replace rotting timbers. DH is tackling all the work and has made steady inroads to bring the greenhouse back to new.

The windows have had replacement timbers and are ready primed as is the door casing, however the roof needs attention now so the scaffold is up. The wall plates have been replaced and ...

the roof timbers are next for the make-over.

Here's the culprit on the roof timbers that cover the garage space. Oh dear!

Acro props hold up the rest of the roof while the affected timbers are being replaced or refurbished. It's a big job.

Our pet seagull keeps DH company while he works.

Hope the weather stays fine while the roof is off!


A very warm welcome to my new follower. Nearly 350 now. I wonder if everybody still pops by.


  1. That's not good. Lucky you have DH to get the work done and some good weather. X

  2. Fingers crossed for the weather.
    J x

  3. Good luck a good greenhouse is great fun.

  4. How wonderful that your Hubby can do the necessary repairs. I think having a greenhouse would be loads of fun.

    God bless.

  5. 350 of us clearly have good taste X


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