
Sunday 9 October 2016

Nine to Five

Today I -

tidied up the kitchen
As always each morning I make sure the dishwasher is loaded or emptied, tidy away the supper things and wipe down all work surfaces.

swept the kitchen floor
I do this each morning too as it is a black, tiled floor and shows every mark. About every other day I mop the floor on my hands and knees. It's a good work out.

helped saw and plane some wood for the greenhouse
It's a big job and some of the timbers are quite long and DH needs help feeding them through the circular saw or planer.

did some mending
The hem on one of my long dresses was down and had to be re-done plus there was a tear to mend. I've been putting it off for ages and have finally got round to doing it.

found the last, very, very large courgette in the garden
It's the very, very last large one but I also found a smaller one. The plants have now gone into the council recycling compost bin.

sorted out some presents for Christmas
I'm getting jittery and want to match presents with people. Some have to be sent abroad so the sooner I decide what everyone is having the better.

made some tomato and courgette soup
I had to, didn't I! The very, very large courgette is now blitzed. I also froze 2 tubs of cubed courgette for future use. The soup should last us for a while and I'm pondering over whether to make it a 'keep on going' soup by mixing in more leftovers and reinventing it a few more times.

watched a history video and one on crocheting a cat bed
Must keep the brain active and the cat bed will use up some of my stash.

crocheted a little
This was the base of the cat bed which is being crocheted with a 9mm hook and 5 lots of yarn.

whizzed up the soup
We at the soup for lunch while listening and watching the Sunday politics until we could stand it no longer and switched it off in disgust at the antics of politicians in general.

tidied up the kitchen

brewed up
This little phrase could be added in between all the others. Must keep hydrated!

helped saw some wood
I did it wrong this time so was banished to the garden. Actually I wasn't banished - just thought it better I leave the garage.

weeded half of the vegetable plot
The garden only has runner beans, parsnips and leeks left at one end. There may be some more potatoes hidden which I will dig up later this week.

hooked a bit of rug and supervised the cat in the garden
The cat wanted a walk so I watched her from the warmth of the garden room. She came back in to sit with me. I'll re-phrase that -
She came back in to sit on the rug so I could only work at it from one position. I can't disturb puss-cat, can I!

polished the brass on the front door
I hope my bloggy friend is still polishing with me! It shouldn't be such hard work doing it every week. It only takes 5 minutes or so if I keep on top of it.

brewed up
I remembered to put it in here. All is forgiven on the woodworking front.

sat with DH with sherry and beer
I had the sherry, he had the beer as he had need of it by late afternoon after sawing, planing, painting, dunking in preservative and climbing up and down the scaffold.

prepared tea
which was yesterday's spicy, hot chicken casserole and leftover rice for one of us, baked potato for the other.

post 5pm
I'm currently on the computer and nursing the cat after a lovely hot bubble bath.

Hope everyone had an enjoyable and productive day.



  1. Blimey girl time to put your feet up xx

  2. And Sunday's are meant to be relaxing, aren't they? Mine neither... 😉

  3. And tonight you should be sleeping extremely well! X

  4. I am exhausted just reading this. x

  5. What a busy day you've both had.I did some work in the garden on Sunday and plan to do more this week. It's looking so neglected at the moment.

  6. Have you got any spare energy and get and go, if you have send it my way!

    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  7. Hmmm, I have been keeping up with the cleaning but it still looks pretty bad! Mostly shiny with a bit of a dark patch - a bit like me!

  8. You really were busy!

    God bless.

  9. What lovely, homey, beautiful things . . .
    J x

  10. I think you are living my life! The soup, the helping with woodworking, watching history programmes, and that black floor in the kitchen. No dishwasher though (shame),

  11. Blimey...I need some of that energy! xx


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