
Tuesday 20 September 2016

Hunt the Pic - Day 2

Numbers 5 to 8 today. Don't forget to visit the blogs of the other Hunters. Hopefully you'll find their links in the comments below.

5. Source

 These mange tout came from the mange tout we planted the year before, which came from the mange tout we planted the year before, which came from …. The first sowing must have come from peas in a bought seed packet. I could have put this picture in the Wonder section. Ain't it wonderful growing from seed?

6. Tune

Many tunes are danced to in the ballroom played on the famous Wurlitzer organ. The Blue Danube Waltz is my favourite.

Here's one of the musical instruments in our house. And it is ..?

7. Wink

Oh my goodness, have you ever tried to do a selfie so close to? Wrinkles, elephant skin, spotty face, grotty hair and big nose. Please note that this picture has been doctored so you are not offended - black and white toned the skin down a little, cropping hid the hair and nose and the lines look like crinkle lines of a wink. Phew, that one was hard work!

8. Comfort

Taken a good many years ago when the puss cats were little. They loved curling up in the shredder underneath the office desk.



  1. Very nice. The kitties look so very comfortable.

    I have mine up as well. Left source for a bit and will go back to it.

    God bless.

  2. I've FINALLY got my act together and joined in! Can you play the banjo?! I love your mange tout that came from the mange tout that came from the mange tout! Fab X

    Here's my link

  3. The first photograph is gorgeously green. X


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.