
Sunday 14 August 2016

Eating the garden

There's always one, isn't there?

But yesterday it was 2 great big courgettes.

The big one was cut up and put with garlic, tomatoes (home grown and half a tin of toms which were leftovers from the fridge), cheese and herbs into the oven until done. We ate half with out roast chicken and the other half will probably be made into soup.

The toms I used were yellow Ildi. I always feel as though I'm milking a cow when I harvest these into a waiting basket. I use 2 hands to pull them off and they then drop down.

The Ildi, with trusses of small fruit, are ripening fast now and have come early this year. There are waterfalls of yellow on one side of the greenhouse.

Above is a waterfall of green with over a hundred bunches of lovely grapes. I started eating them last week and intend to eat at least one or two bunches a day.

Perhaps I should juice some.

Right - shoes off!



  1. Fab courgettes and lovely looking grapes!

  2. Those fresh grapes look yummy! The courgette and tomato bake sounds wonderful
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. Lovely harvest, I just love courgettes, my plants are still going strong. Grapes how lovely, have you tried making wine with them in the past?xx

  4. Just lovely. The grapes are coming along so nicely.

    God bless.

  5. What a great harvest and the grapes look wonderful x


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