
Tuesday 14 June 2016

Who reads my blog?

I've noticed that I'm getting comments from quite a few new to me readers during the last few weeks and I love going to visit them if they have a blog. I wonder how they found their way here. Did they blog hop? Had they typed some specific words into Google? What was their journey here? If you are one of my new commenters or followers I would love to hear how you came to land on these pages and if you are out there and read regularly and don't comment why not comment today just to say hello. I don't bite!

Hello to Mr Homemaker and Keith who commented recently. And to all the 'every so often' commenters, I'm so glad you popped by.

Hello to all who visit and don't have a blog of their own. Have you ever considered starting one? I'd love to visit you if you do.

My journeys to other blogs are through blog hopping and also typing my interests into Google. It's fun looking at similar lifestyles and gleaning tips and inspiration from others.

I'm a blog happy bunny today!


PS - Ditty time.

Where did you find me?
Why do you stay?
Do you leave comments?
What do you say?


  1. I read each new post, don't comment as much as I should/could, often in a rush.
    You have lots of followers who are not in my pictures! I shall have to do a John Gray type post begging for new followers or with risque titles! Although really I write because I enjoy writing and am always grateful for comments and new followers - fancy people wanting to read about a quiet life in a small bungalow!

  2. I don't think I've commented before. I probably hopped over from Ilona's blog.I don't have a blog but enjoy reading tips and looking at crafting, knitting and crochet sites. By the way I like your Blackpool picture. .

  3. I'm a newish reader. I found you by blog hopping but I'm not sure where I hopped from. I'm pleased to read you're a happy bunny today. X

  4. I always find blogs via other blogs, if I see a new follower or see a new name in the comments I check it out see if they have a blog x

  5. I've followed you so long I can't remember how I found you, but it was probably through someone else'a blog.

  6. Hi: I found your blog quite a while ago and it was probably from Frugal Queen's blog reading list. I stay because I enjoy reading about your life and seeing the way(s) the life of a retired woman in the UK is the same as a retired woman in the US. Don't have a blog but now that I'm retired I plan on starting one. I'm raising children again as I have custody of my young grandchildren so now I'm reading your blog for some of the simple things to balance out the craziness here in my house. I really enjoy it.

  7. Cannot remember from where I found you but you are on my Blogger blog roll so I am notified when a new blog pops up.

    2. Your post is interesting to read, I have been retired approximately same length of time, try to appreciate each day.

    3. Apologies, I am not good at posting comments, always mean to, real life gets in the way.

  8. I comment very occasionally - have been following for some time and can't remember how I came across your blog.

  9. I also fond you through Blog hopping. I don't have a blog of my own. enjoying reading yours.

  10. I found you from Quiet Life in Suffolk.

    I enjoy reading your posts every time I see there is a new one (using Sue's blogroll - thanks Sue!)

    I don't often comment on blogs because I don't use a profile so can only be Anonymous. Not everyone allows comments from Anon.

    I don't have a blog of my own - never really felt the inclination - but I enjoy reading everyone else's every day.

    Helen x

  11. I found you via Ilona's blog. I love to read other people's blogs and see what they have been doing/making. It is a great way to get inspiration for projects

  12. Hi Mum, Good to know your having a good day. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  13. I also found you from Our Quiet Life in Suffolk (Sue's blog) ... I have found a lot of blogs from Sue's List. I read you regularly, but don't always comment, but I do enjoy your blog.
    I don't have a blog of my own because just reading the blogs of others takes time, and I'm also a writer and need to get on with my own writing work, as well as having time for the family, house, garden, and of course, reading. But one of these days I might surprise everyone by having a blog!
    Margaret P

  14. Where I found you, I can't recall
    Could have been any blog on my roll
    Where ever it was, I'm glad I did and
    that you did not slip through the grid !!!!

  15. I,too, found you via Ilona's blog. I enjoy reading your stories. Don't have a blog of my own and am like Helen Anon in that I don't have a profile so don't comment too often. JanF

  16. I also found you via Ilona's blog. I love her budget ideas and I love your blog too! I don't have my own blog and don't think I'd put much effort into one so I guess it's not for me right now. I do love reading other peoples' blogs though. Thank you for all your photos of your garden. It's beautiful! Arlene from NJ (USA)

  17. I also found you through Ilona's blog -just today so looking forward to reading more of your posts. I just started my own blog the first of July and am really enjoying the connections it is bringing.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.