
Monday 20 June 2016

Like lightning

Well, not quite. I'm lightening very slowly - just one more pound lost this week but it all adds up. Nearly half a stone gone, the clothes fit, the inches are lost and I feel much better about myself. I'm determined to take off the next half stone though so it's onward and upward with the same regime.

Today I've had for breakfast one slice of toast spread thinly with Marmite.
Lunch was one and a half scrambled eggs (DH had the other one and a half) with a few tinned tomatoes plus one dry slice of toast, followed by fresh fruit salad. Tea will be steamed veg and chicken followed by fresh fruit salad. My downfall is having a supper so I shall focus on cutting down or eliminating them altogether. Suppers have been crackers or muesli, a sandwich or a some left-overs from tea time.

Supper today will be a few prawns from Lidl. I shall put them in a small bowl and nibble them slowly. And not have them served up as a prawn cocktail. And not have them in a sandwich with a packet of crisps! And not follow them with a slice of cake or some more crackers. And not secretly raid the choccy raisins! Oh dear my secrets are out. I shall report back on the subject of suppers next week. I shall need all the support I can get as I'm starving at suppertime.


PS Pam, I've posted your parcel. There's an added small pressie in there aswell if you want it. Just remember to make the parcel up again to 10 items and then pass it on. I wonder what you'll pick from my little selection!


  1. That sounds like a very good healthy eating plan to me, well done xx

  2. Slow and steady is far the best way to go down, WELL DONE.

  3. Well done, you're doing really well. I've been healthy eating for nine weeks and I've lost a stone and two pounds, I go on holiday at the weekend though and I know I won't keep it up whilst I'm away. I'm a snacker, that's my downfall. If I fancy something on an evening I have an Alpen Light bar, they only contain 70 calories, though I'm not really counting calories. One of the flavours is Jaffa Cake and it's delicious. They're quite expensive though so I stocked up on them when there was an offer on, £1 a box. I don't have one every night, just when I feel the need of something a bit sweet or a little treat.

  4. I so know about suppers....and suppers are so much later here too which is devastating! I am sure if I can give up suppers I would lose weight!!! Good luck Mum sounds as if you have under control!!!

    keep well

    Amanda xx


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