
Wednesday 11 May 2016

Help received ...

… in the form of encouragement from readers of this blog helping me to keep on track in my quest for losing some weight.

Success - one and a half pounds lost this week and I'm feeling fitter and more importantly - full! I've no craving (well not much) for fattening foods (Pam's biscuits) and I look forward to my steamed veggies each day.

So far I've cut out biscuits, cake, chocolate and alcohol and this week  I'm adding to that by not having as much bread and only having fruit for a snack at supper time. I'm eating healthily and keeping to smaller portions (just).

Go me!



  1. Well done you, keep at it. I think I need to stop eating my own bread and I may improve a bit. Go you!

  2. Well done you, I have a treat at the weekend , in the week I don't eat that much, I have lost 1.5 pounds this week xx

  3. Well done :) May it be the start of many shed pounds...!!

  4. Well done. I'm trying to lose weight by eating more healthily too, snacking between meals is my big downfall but I've been at it for over three weeks now and not a single snack has passed my lips. Can you see my halo glowing?

  5. Well done Mum, keep up the good work. So glad you're feeling better for it too.

  6. That's super, keep up the good work.

  7. I'm in my first week of three weeks, so fingers crossed I can shift those pounds.

  8. Good for you!
    I am still eating too much junk!
    But I have once again increased my walking, nothing like I used to do, my knees protest too much. But I am tracking myself, and making an effort.

  9. Well done Mum, you've got the right idea. It's those sweet snacky things that are the killers, even I cave in sometimes.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.