
Monday 4 April 2016

Every year ...

I buy primroses and keep them in the house while they flower and every year I plant them out in the garden when they've finished flowering.

Every year they get bigger ...

and bigger and put on a wonderful display between the rocks that edge the edible garden.

Every year the plants, bushes and trees start into growth. I always think that I've pruned my cordons just a little too fiercely but there is new growth all over.

Even the grape vine that was rescued from the Garden Place that was closing down (only £1) has started to bud.

Every year we plant a climber and every year the old climbers start to grow.

Every year I save the seed from my mange tout and every year, when they peep through the surface of the soil I know that my growing season has begun in earnest.

Even our new vine in the greenhouse is waking up.

All this growing reminds me of an old Sunday School song.

Baby Seed Song
By: Edith Nesbit

Little brown brother, oh! little brown brother, 
Are you awake in the dark? 
Here we lie cosily, close to each other: 
Hark to the song of the lark 
"Waken!" the lark says, "waken and dress you; 
Put on your green coats and gay, 
Blue sky will shine on you, sunshine caress you 
Waken! 'tis morning 'tis May!" 
Little brown brother, oh! little brown brother, 
What kind of a flower will you be? 
I'll be a poppy all white, like my mother; 
Do be a poppy like me. 
What! You're a sunflower! How I shall miss you 
When you're grown golden and high! 
But I shall send all the bees up to kiss you; 
Little brown brother, good-bye.



  1. I love the signs of spring in the garden, as soon as the pollen lets up a little I'll be out there more.

  2. Primroses in spring are signs summer is on its way
    Julie xxxxxxx

  3. A very thrifty gardener, well done xx

  4. Wow your primroses are huge so many flower heads on them I think that's lovely having them in the house first I tend to do that with my daffodil bulbs. I love this time of year and seeing everything start to come back to life. Lovely song never seen that before, sweet words, dee x

  5. Your plants have such a great start, your photos look so cheerful, and inspiring.

  6. I love spring, but have to wait a touch longer than you to see any signs of it. We are still pretty cold here.

    Your primroses are lovely.

    God bless.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.