
Saturday 12 March 2016

Nine to Five

It seems to have been ages since I posted a Nine to Five day. I shall put that right now.


What am I wearing? 
Long, black, stretchy dress - do I wear anything else around the house?
What am I doing?
I'm tidying the kitchen while I keep my eye on the cat in the garden. Each morning I wipe surfaces, sort the re-cycling into compost, tins and paper, sweep and mop the kitchen floor, load or unload the dishwasher and then make a coffee and a lemon drink.
Where am I?
In the kitchen of course.
What's the sky like?
Cloudy and overcast and when I went outside it was cold, too cold to paint the fences which is what I was going to do if it had been warm.
What's motivating me?
Having a clean and tidy house plus the incentive of a sit down with a cup of lemon when I've sorted out the kitchen.


What am I wearing?
Same as before
What am I doing?
Listing some items on Ebay. I need to sell some more 'stuff' to feed my Filofax habit!
Where am I?
In the loft room where I read, crochet and work on the computer
What's the sky like?
Same as earlier on. I wish the sun would peep through.
What's motivating me?

Sorting, de-cluttering and the thought of doing more crocheting in a minute. I've already made 2 dishcloths with some cotton yarn from the stash. I thought I'd do some coloured ones which I can wash with our clothes, rather than white ones which 'fester away' in the laundry basket waiting for some light coloured sheets to be washed with them. Most of our clothes go in the coloureds or darks wash.


What am I wearing?
Same as before.
What am I doing?
Eating tea - fish and chips with tinned tomatoes.
Where am I?
In the back room
What's the sky like?
Same as earlier on. It's definitely been an 'in' sort of day.
What's motivating me?
Each mouthful of fish, chips, tomato juice, tartare sauce and vinegar. The flavours meld together creating a feeling of culinary satisfaction. I'm looking forward to a nice, hot bath and a relax after a non-busy day.

Actually I've done quite a bit so perhaps I should do a '9 to 9' post or an '8 'til late' post.

I'm linking to Thrift Deluxe's blog today as her blog is called Nine to Five.



  1. Sounds like a good day to me. You achieved far more than I did. x

  2. Thanks Mum, I haven't done a nine to five in a while, I'll make sure to do so soon.


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