
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Plotting the next move

The plot is finally rotated and ready to plant although nothing much is going in yet. The weather does not feel right and we only ventured out because it was not raining, cold or windy.

Some seeds needed to be planted though - a row of parsnips and a nursery bed of leeks. Puss cat is helping but she does not stay out for very long. Being an indoor cat she would rather be in the warm. Each day she goes for a supervised sniff around but then she scuttles in quickly.

The edges still need weeding. The small patch of grass I leave because Puss cat enjoys a chew. It's best to leave her outside for at least another 5 minutes, just in case she throws up - as cats do when they've eaten grass. We seem to be making a collection of compost bins. The Daleks are secretly going to take over.

March will see a lot more planting and soon this edible garden will turn green again.



  1. Well done, that's something I need to start doing to but its so cold at the moment although the sun is shinning. I have sowed some veg seeds though. Puss cat sounds like my Timmy who is a house cat to he used to come into the garden of our last house if I was in the garden but not for long though he is a scared cat. dee xx

  2. What is it with cats and grass? Ours loves a good barf, it makes her happy and always upsets me. Are leeks hard to grow. They're so expensive I'd love to grow my own.

    1. Dead easy - just leave them to it for a long time. The only hard part is to get them to grow big!

  3. We are all poised for the warmer weather, just waiting..............

  4. At least you have made a start, we could do with another compost bin x

  5. Your soil looks great - very fertile. I like the collection of Daleks keeping watch! ;-) xx


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