
Sunday 21 February 2016

Organised Home

I've cracked it - I now know how to be totally organised. There's just one thing to remember and that is:-

Everything should have a place. Dead easy isn't it? All the towels in the cupboard together, folded up beautifully of course; all the books on the shelves, either colour coded or in subject order; all the bedlinen neatly bagged together, duvet cover and fitted sheet nestled snuggly in the pillow case; the toilet rolls lined up like soldiers in the cupboard or on the shelf. Easy peasy. But there must consequently be a place for - 

wet towels, books in the course of being read, the odd sheet or duvet cover, the toilet roll inner tube that's nearly finished but not quite (I've put the new one on!), the work in progress, the bits of paper that will eventually end up in the recycling bag, the fruit and veg peelings that will eventually end up in the compost (I'm not going out in the pouring rain.), the half read magazine or newspaper, the cat toys that are being played with, the mail that's come through the door, the keys during the day, the glasses (oh the glasses, now where did I leave them?), the items destined for Ebay, the items destined for the Charity Shop, the paper ready to be recycled (I'm not going out in the rain.), bits from sewing and crocheting (ever heard of Orts?), the clothes that have been worn which will do for another day ...

and, of course, the dishcloth of the day.

I think I've got a way to go yet.



  1. Both hubby and I are tidy, so most things are packed away quickly, but we do share an office (3rd bedroom), which is our untidy place, and if anyone visit's we just shut the door.

  2. Ah, but it sounds like you're way ahead of me... ;)

  3. Ha! Ha! this post could have been written about me, someone repined one of my pins on pinterest today and it said, "Instead of organising and cleaning my house, I pin ideas on how to clean and organise my house, the irony is not lost on me"

  4. I've never got the knack of keeping the sheet and pillow cases inside the duvet cover, it always looks untidy when I do it, no matter how many tutorials I watch!

    One of the best pieces of advice I received when I was sorting myself out was to make sure things are easier to put away than to get out. Although that doesn't help with not wanting to go out in the rain!

  5. brilliant post.Totally agree!Barbara

  6. Oh I know how you feel! And the half finished crossword, the posh invitation to an event in June - OH doesnt want it on the mantelpiece for 3 months, I am afraid I will lose it if it is not in sight... The wedding gift, bought in January, wedding not till Easter.... I have only come across the word ORTS as referring to the old English term for a meal made of leftovers [we have lots of them round here] Weekend blessings xx

    1. In the sewing and quilting world ORTs are Old Raggedy Threads. There's another name for these threads kept in a jar but it alludes me at the moment.

    2. The word I was looking for was TUSAL which isn't the same thing. It stands for Totally Useless Stitch A-Long and is a term for bloggers when they take pictures and post about their ORTs. Funny old world isn't it!

  7. ORTs - I have given them to the birds this year but after reading the linked post I might use them for stuffing a decorating Twiddle Muffs.


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