
Friday 19 February 2016

Height of fashion

DD requested a cat coat for one of her cats as the weather is cold and when they go 'walkies' in the garden she needs to be wrapped up warm as her fur is only thin. Something to get my hooks into so off searching the internet I went. This coat is the second one I've made and is loosely based on this pattern. I made it a little longer with a frilly bottom and a frilly neckline. 

Our cat is not used to coats and goes all stiff when attired. Her legs give way beneath her and she remains in a comatose state until the coat is removed.

She's a cracker though - a Christmas cracker in this coat!

Good job it's easily removed.



  1. Very cute. I am pretty sure our cat would go absolutely crazy trying to get any type of clothing off. She does not go out when it is windy, cold, raining or dark. In other words Shania is a "scaredy cat".

    God bless.

  2. How cute is she! I have never seen a cat coat before x

  3. This post made me laugh my head off Mum!!! Your cat/coat/coma is hilarious!!! It's rather a glamorous coat!


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