
Saturday 23 January 2016


It was Heritage Open Day in the Winter Gardens and two friends and I had a good old wander around the place. Even though we've been before we still found plenty to look at and admire. The floor coverings caught my eye this time around.

Can you see the ice-creams?

This one's more formal.

And this one more modern.

Here's more of a fifties style.

And here, a pattern from the thirties.

I did look up to view the walls and ceilings but that's for another time. It was the patterns on the floor that interested me the most.


PS - Type Winter Gardens into the search bar (above right) to see some views from other visits to this wonderful building. I was looking up then!


  1. They look great. The one that remind you of ice cream, I see birds...... the orange bit reminds me of beaks
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. The second photo looks like my stair carpet! The bottom one is rather owlish!


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