
Sunday 17 January 2016

Not a shelf or a cupboard ...

… to tidy and sort today but various tins and tubs. Isn't the word tub a great sounding word? 
Tub, tub, tub.

All my sewing box and threads were getting in a tangle so hence the attack.

The greens in the above pic were sorted but I've a pile more other colours to wind up and plonk somewhere. Reels, elastics, threads, cutters, scissors, pins and needles. Buckles, press studs, hooks and eyes, catches, bodkins and old zips. How to arrange, what to throw, what to put where? This is going to take a long time to sort. Today's a rest day so I'm taking my time.

How many thimbles do I need?
Am I really going to darn any socks?
Will I smock anything using shearing elastic?
Am I ever going to use the rainbow of coloured threads that I have acquired?
I don't do dressmaking so how many old zips, that I have rescued, will I use?
Do I need an old bra wire?

(in no particular order)
I doubt it
I wonder where the other one went!!!


PS 1. Welcome to another new follower.
2. I've been out once to sing to the tree. I may go out again!


  1. Tub is a super word! I love your green tubs, they look fab and ideal for all your bits and pieces. I think we crafty people always accumulate stuff, although my hubby does like to collect plugs and string!!! I think it is an age thing. although he does have the last laugh when we need a fuse! I bought some glass jars and now display all my old reels of thread in my sewing room and I have put my darning mushroom on display too!

  2. I have such a mess of sewing stuff that I'll probably never use, but can't bear to part with.
    I'm sure the tree was appreciative of your singing.

  3. My answers would have been the same as yours! Although I don't have any spare zips or any spare bra wires, hee hee! I do have a lot of random thread though, I could probably do with clearing some of that out. Enjoy your sorting! xx

  4. I'm having a break from cupboards today but will be having a good look for some containers to organise under the kitchen sink.

  5. I always find it somewhat amazing at how often I need to straighten up threads, zippers, sewing tools, elastic and the like.

    I do love how you are organizing your thread according to colour.

    God bless.

  6. good for you, my things are still pretty much piles of confetti. I have a small sewing chest with 6 drawers, all sorted recently, but there is still the pile on the work bench that needs going through, perhaps this week??? ;)

  7. I think so many people have things in their sewing boxes they will never use its good to be honest :-) happy sorting mum, dee xx

  8. i need to attack a few more cupboards, the problem i always have is i cant find the lids to the tubs or where are all the tubs and i only have lids lol x

  9. My shelves used to have tubs full of tangles and knots. Now I have a row of clear shoe boxes from Poundstretcher, I can see the contents at a glance and because they are on view I keep them tidy.


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