
Sunday 31 January 2016


(uttered slowly with a blossoming smile, eyes closing briefly, breathing in deeply)

Ah! - getting into a bed that has freshly washed sheets

Ah! - "a good cup of tea" in the morning

Ah! - taking off shoes and putting on slippers

Ah! - having a sit down after a busy day

Ah! - lying back in a nice, warm bath

Ah! - finishing a meal and feeling replete

Ah! - finishing for the day (bra off!)

I'm sure there's more but for now -


A-a-a-h-h-h!  :)



  1. Haha completely agree with them all but especially the last one :)

  2. Confession - t'is so very hot here that I have taken to not wearing the last one unless we go to town, or we have unexpected visitors - then it's a mad scramble lol Otherwise you're 100% correct with your list.

  3. Absolutely agree, A-a-a-h-h-h xx

  4. we are twins........I take my bra off at night while watching tv!!! Have to let the girls have a bit of freedom!

  5. Aaaaah! I'm feeling that just reading this post;)

  6. I would add a hot water bottle against my back while sitting on the sofa on a chilly day (even with the central heating on, a h.w.b. is such a comfort.)
    Oh, and hot chocolate on a cold day ...
    Margaret P

  7. There's nothing I'd add to that list! I love bra o o'clock ! Always down a sleeve too for the max ahhhhh factor!

  8. Change the tea to coffee and I'm ahhing right along with you.

  9. Totally agree.Would only add taking my earrings out.Feel very aaaaah now.

  10. This made me smile and I agree with every one. A lovely post.

  11. Could identify with all of those especially the last one xx

  12. I'm too old to see taking my bra off as an advantage...very saggy. Yuck.
    But getting into bed early with a good book on a winter evening..ah. Seeing the dawn come up each morning...ah (I'm an early riser 4.30am each day, best part of the day) In winter have to wait till half way through the morning to see the door but dawn in summer....glorious


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