
Thursday 1 October 2015

Chop, chop, chopping

Tidying up the garden continues apace but there are still some plants that are not for the chop and flowers that are blooming away in the late summer sun.

The pak choi and fennel are producing now and I thin out or snip little bits to add to stir fries, concocctions and casseroles.

Now I don't know what this is as the label was blown away and it came from one of those packets of seeds that had been hanging around for years and it was about time the seeds were planted or thrown away. I am presuming that it's edible as the seeds were from the vegetable seed box. Anyway I've been chopping leaves off and eating them and I'm still here!

This lot of sweet peas from my 99p pot are still flowering away but the plant is for the chop next week.

The poppies seem to flower all year round.

I'm slowly chopping my way through the front garden borders and hope fully the beds will be put to bed before severe weather sets in.

Favourite Teddy Day tomorrow. 



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