
Tuesday 22 September 2015

All is safely gathered in

Well the corn and the potatoes are anyway. We've eaten quite a bit of corn in the last few weeks but because the weather is a little cooler we harvested the remnants and I've put them in the freezer.

The one's that have not reached maturity are sill going in the freezer as 'baby corn' to eek out casseroles and concoctions.

I did keep 3 out, 2 for DH and me and one for a friend for his tea today.

The seed potatoes for this little lot came from another friend. Aren't we lucky!

Look at this giant and that's DH's hand.

Baked potato for tea.



  1. You did well, our potatoes on the other hand did not do well. Too much rain, they looked like victims of the great Irish potato disaster.


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