
Tuesday 28 July 2015


Why is it that every jam that I try to make never seems to have or reach a setting point?

Why do my nails always split or chip before they reach a suitably long stage?

Why do my kitchen cupboards always get untidy?

Why do the weeds come up the day after I've weeded the garden?

Why does it rain just before I've finished weeding the border?

Why is a banner popping up at the top of the blogs that I'm reading saying that the site is using cookies from Google to personalise ads and analyse traffic? They give me no option to agree - isn't that blackmail?



  1. Are you able to just ignore the banner and read the blog anyway or do you have to 'Get it' to read on?

    1. I'm fed up of clicking the 'Get It' button and am just reading the blogs.

    2. I have just asked the same question - YES GOOGLE, IVE BLOODY WELL GOT IT SO QUIT ASKING ME!!!

  2. The cookie thing is all to do with european compliance, in your overview you should have a notification about it, I think there is an opt out option as well.
    As for your why's its called Murphy's Law :-)

  3. I'm finding annoying to as it sits at the top of my phone every time I click on a blog!

  4. That's the polite way to call it Dawn, and we all have the same issues.

  5. There always seems to be more questions than answers. :(
    Anne xx

  6. They are just one of lives little quirks :-) as for the cookie banner I get it to but I just ignore it :-) have a good week mum, dee x

  7. I couldn't work out how to get rid of the cookie thing either, I think that there is some law now that if you have cookies you have to tell people so I guess that is what it is about, but surely unless you are using cookies.... ignore seems to be the best answer! xx

  8. I'm with you on the google thing, how annoying but then most things about computers are annoying. lol but I wouldn't be without mine.

  9. Hi Mum, I ignore the "cookies" message and just carry on .......

    Sending care and huggles, Michelle

  10. I am adding you to my blog list - a woman after my own heart.


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