
Tuesday 2 June 2015

I like ...

* to lick the knife after I've put Marmite on my toast

* to lie back in a hot, bubbly bath

* to take my shoes off

* to smell the growing tomato plants

* 'me' time

* the scent of the lily of the valley as I walk up the path to the back door

* growing and eating veg

* pursuing all my interests

* going 'Ooh' when a comment 'awaits'

* time for a read

* a tidy room (not many about at the moment)

* a vase of real flowers in the house

* seeing Blackpool Tower light up in different colours every night

* the first night of clean sheets

* my baked beans to have a splash of Worcester Sauce

and so on and so forth ………...



  1. We share a lots of likes :)

  2. There's lots of things there that I like too.

  3. I thought of you at lunch time when I was eating my marmite sandwich, I love the stuff x

  4. i'll pas on the baked beans, but the rest simply perfect.

  5. Lovely likes. Made me smile. :)

  6. I'm with Marlene I'll pass on the baked beans but agree with the rest.

  7. I share a lot of those likes too.
    Julie xxxxx


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.