
Saturday 2 May 2015

Life in bullet points

  • Crochet - large Rainbow/useless/useful blanket still eating up my stash. It's surprising how much yarn I have stashed away. I'm now using up 4 ply and Chunky and various variegated wools which I would never have picked up to make anything. Grotty colours have been used and they sit happily married with other colours in the pattern of the blanket which looks quite stripey.

  • Health - had to go to the dentist because one tooth was sensitive when I ate. Ended up with a filling which wasn't done correctly so had to go back. Still giving me gip and the sensitive tooth was still not identified. Will have to go back again. I hate dentists. :(

  • Baking - made a fruit cake and ate it. Have been eating last year's rhubarb crumbles from the freezer - prior to making more with this year's rhubarb which is now growing strongly. Still baking bread 2 or 3 times a week.

  • Wealth - still living frugally and gleaning great bargains from the CS so the 'wealth' that we have stays in the bank for just in case savings. I have splashed out on some more Dawgs flip flops because they are so comfortable.

  • Meals - eating out of the freezer and making meals stretch. Had cottage pie tonight and will freeze 2 portions for next week. We're trying to eat less and lose a bit of weight (but not trying too hard).

  • Blogs - reading regularly. Mine needed a kick up the backside so I thank Rachel Radiostar for giving me inspiration and hope she doesn't mind me pinching her bullet point idea! :)

  • Life - pottering on dancing, gardening, volunteering, crocheting, studying, making music, reading and relaxing. Great really.
Thanks Rachel - hope your Bank Holiday is the best.



  1. Awww you just made my day lovely xxx I think your bullet points are better than mine!

  2. I was at the dentist yesterday - survived unscathed - hate it - dentists says see you in 6 months so I go and make appointment for 1 year away - it's all I can manage.
    Like your bullet points.

  3. Lovely post I like the bullet point idea :-)

  4. I hate the dentist too, use to get so upset about going they had to give me a tranquilizer before each appointment.
    I like your bullets.

  5. love the bullet point idea as well, may use that myself!! My blog needs sprucing up as well.

  6. Your bullet points look very organised, I had enough of them when I was working so will not be using the idea. I sometimes feel that my blog is a bit stale but it is what it is. Sooner or later something will pop up to leaven it. I am with you on the yarn, I found a bag of odds and sods that I am sure I never bought.

  7. Love the bullet point idea. May used myself when I have a bitty bog post. It makes it all tidy.

  8. Lovely post, good points I will nick a couple.


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