
Saturday 4 April 2015

Where did I go today?

Well first of all I hopped over to Frugal Queen's blog - a very sensible and frugal lady who was posting about another of her scrumptious meals. After commenting I was going to blog hop onto the blog of the commenter above me but as I was the first to comment I couldn't.

Simple Living was my next destination. She was, like me, eating far too much this Easter and there's still all the chocolate eggs to eat too! I hopped off to Dawn's blog - oh my, chocolate nests were here - chocolate again!

Over to Frugal in Suffolk where more baking was read about. I stopped to admire her homemade cards. I didn't blog hop because the previous commenter was Simple Living!

So I went over to MacQue (beautiful pictures), left a comment and visited the last person who commented who was Cup on the Bus (story to think about here).

Onward to MeanQueen (great blogger - please vote for her in the election!). My jump here was to A New Life in Wales. (Where Pam gets her energy from, I have not idea.)

Attic24 was my next stop reading about a family Easter week with crochet of course. I clicked on the nearest commenter who had a blog which was Wild Daffodil and she had linked to another creativity site with glass and mirror pictures. Very interesting.

Poppy Patchwork is always busy with family, doing and especially stitching. Do pay her a visit to look at her creations. Linda has 4 blogs all to do with stitching. I'm afraid my eyesight is not what it was and those small holes swim in front of me now. (Must get some seeing near to glasses.)

That British Woman was talking about beans today (I love posts about making different meals) and Jacqueline blogs about her life in general.

And before all this blog hopping I went with family to one of our favourite destinations - Sunderland Point. We've been chilling out here (as well as over-eating).

Next on my list was Eco Footprint (birdie post) and I bloghopped the previous commenter who was Sue's Garden Journal (There was a birdie post here too and plenty of garden information, of course.)

And you can't go home from Sunderland Point without paying a visit to Sambo's grave (Click on the label - Sunderland Point.) and saying hello to the stones who look up at you.

Calm and peace.

Happy Easter to all.



  1. My, you must be exhausted from all that hopping...

    The wonder of blogging - it allows all of us to travel the world instantly.

    Happy Easter, Mum. Remember, only one choccie at a time... ;)

  2. Sounds like you had a fun time blog hopping.
    Happy Easter. Enjoy all the choc.

  3. Glad you liked my old tatty recipes, most of them are old favourites and they all have memories of when we were 5. The kids used to love my cakes and even now when they are all well grown up, I miss making loads of cakes.
    Your walk looks lovely, anything to do with the sea suits me.
    Happy Easter.

  4. Thank you for popping into visit on your way round blogland. It lovely to here about all the other folks you visited, some I know and others I shall have to take a look at

  5. Blog Hopping is about the only overseas travel ill ever get to do. You are all so far away from Oz. Thanks for links to new sites. I love the photo of the boat on the still water. Very calming.

  6. You have been busy, thanks for stopping by. Have a Happy Easter.

  7. Oh Mum, that is just so close to what I do, I sit down with a pot of tea and before it is gone I have been round the world and back. 80 days, Ha, I manage it in 80 minutes. The problem is that sometimes it stretches into a couple of hours.....naughty but nice.

  8. Brilliant Bloghop - thanks for dropping by. I'm now going to follow in your footsteps!

  9. I'm glad I can count on your vote. Please send some more people over, I can't get the link to work :o(

  10. Oooo Mum, you must be in my neck of the woods as Sunderland Point isn't too far from me!! I love blog hopping but like Pam I get lost in time. I find myself saying, one more, one more!!

  11. So many lovely blogs out there I could quite easily spend all day at it , Happy Easter x

  12. Looking forward to catching up with some of these blogs.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  13. Thanks so much for the mention!


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