
Thursday 12 February 2015

Time for the snip!

It had to be done and better late than never. The grapevine has one central stem that grows the length of the greenhouse. In previous years I've trained side shoots to come out from the stem to make a canopy (Plan A). This year I'm trying something different.

I'd left one side shoot to grow during last season and trained it to run parallel to the main stem. I will keep all new side shoots short so (hopefully) this year's bunches of grapes will grow near to these 2  main stems so giving more light from above for the tomatoes.

Old leaves were blown away and side shoots cut back to 2 buds which faced downwards.

This vine has been growing years and this close-up shows all the cut backs.

There are a few downward facing buds which I hope will produce fruit this year. If not then I'll have to revert to Plan A next year!



  1. A grape vine how lovely
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. What a fabulous vine. It will be interesting to see the results of your new pruning regime.

  3. We have grape vines too, but they don't bear much. I know my pruning is at fault, but I don't know exactly what I am doing wrong...?!

  4. That's a big job done and they do look fantastic in the summer x

  5. I am inspired by your grapevine! Mine is just a baby that I got from Aldi 2 years ago. No greenhouse to put it in yet.

  6. Wow - what a great thing to have!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  7. are they eating grapes or do you make grape jelly/jam and wine with them?

    1. These are a dessert grape and they all get eaten - by me.


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