
Saturday 10 January 2015

Diary entry - 3

Tidied drawers in kitchen

Into my simplifying for January theme I tackled the drawers, sorting out the towel drawer and throwing anything that looked decidedly unhealthy! New tea towels were unearthed at the bottom of the drawer and new dishcloths found. (I had crocheted more than I've been using.)

The utensils drawer was tackled - it still looks like a junk drawer but now I know what's in there and the plastic bags have been tamed.

The cutlery drawer was washed out and the cutlery put back neatly - it won't last!

The tops were cleared of Christmas decorations, cake and bottles.

All is bare as is the garden in January but I'm sure I'll be seeing activity here soon.


PS Thank you so much for your kind comments on the last post. There is an emptiness around here but pusscat 1 is still around and receiving plenty of hugs and kisses. She's been following us around and sitting near.



  1. You've had a busy start to the new year. Sorry to hear about puss. I can see your pictures today and your angel on top of the tree is beautiful.

  2. I think it's that time of year, I have been sorting cupboards and corners. Will need a trip to charity shop soon.

  3. I was looking out into my garden this morning and thinking that I need to get out there. I didn't really put it to bed this year, so there's a bit of tidying up to do.

  4. That's just what I need to do but I've been putting it off - you've inspired me now!

  5. Your drawers look good, I'm still working on mine.

  6. Through December and this month,, I think I must have taken at least 10 big bags of 'stuff' to the charity shop. I have another 3 ready today. Surprising what you collect over the years!

  7. I sorted out my bags for life corner of the kitchen. I have so many, they have their own corner. A whole corner. So many bags for life - seriously, I'm not going to live that long! I was too ashamed to take a before photo. But it's all tidy now :-)

  8. Would you like to come and do mine............?
    Julie xxxxxx

  9. Nothing quite like having a good clean and tidy up. I've had a clean out today too. So much more to do.
    Anne xx


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.