
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Advent Calendar 2, Days Left 23

I wasn't going to hide the stockings this year but I read that a few of you like playing hide and seek so today this stocking is hidden.

Can you find it?

More mess on the floor to make another batch of 'just in case' Christmas cards. I have no need to explain the name.

Quite a few featured recycled parts of last year's cards.

Some were bought cards that were revamped.

The base cards were given to me by a friend who was de-cluttering her craft stash. Waste not, want not.

 These ones were made out of old music papers. They are just an origami starry wreath again but this time I added some sparkly greetings. My first Christmas card arrived today. Quite early I think.

All my cards are now written and ready for giving personally or posting. I don't think I'll post them yet though.

I am linking my Advent Garland to KC's Court again this year for a really Advent Bloggy Christmas.



  1. You're very organised. I need to start writing some cards, especially those for overseas. Your hand made cards are lovely.

  2. Goodness, you are organised! Love the cute little stocking. x


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