
Wednesday 19 November 2014

A tip for a trip

Find the road to Fleetwood tip and follow it through to the end. And what do you find? Why Fleetwood Marsh Nature Park of course. I'd never heard of it before but my friend had and had already partaken of its pleasures.

Off the circular carpark are various pathways with the main one heading in the direction of the River Wyre.

We passed ponds with an abundance of wildlife.

The gulls were all lined up on the bridge before we passed over it.

A lovely sculptural archway invited us to explore further.

We explored the archway first and ...

found all sorts of wildlife there.

We viewed places we'd been before from a completely different aspect.

There were also wrecks (but nobody drown-ded) and plenty to look at.

The sun was shining for our walk and it was quite warm.

We walked back along the suggested pathway past the ponds again and back to the carpark.

Set into the carpark walls are small works of stone art.

Here's a pretty one.

Another tip:- don't venture up the muddy slopes. You might slip!



  1. What a lovely walk you had, so much to see.

  2. Thank you for the virtual walk
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. Love the pictures of the wrecks! Looked like a nice day.

  4. Thank you Mum for this lovely walk.
    I do appreciate your local posts. Once again, even though I lived in Blackpool for years, I had no idea that this place existed.
    Certainly it is on my list when I visit next time.
    Pam in TX.xx

  5. Looks like a nice walk. I like the wrecks and the quirky sculptures.

  6. It's been a while since we last went on that walk. I love the archway with its little details. We also found that it's popular with dog walkers and many don't bother to pick up after them. Lovely photos.


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