
Saturday 25 October 2014

Opposite the Kitchen Window - October 2014

It's a working surface today. Spot the following.

*bread rising
*tinned steak and kidney pie for tea (not a planned tea)
*Christmas cakes maturing
*cat catcher
*containers not put away
*cat food
*flour sifter
*tea towel not hung up

Here's one of the cakes. I'll give it a liquid feed next week. It's got enough booze in to keep it content for this week!



  1. Just love your kitchen - it looks a real cook's kitchen. I am fascinated by the racks hanging from your hooks - are they cake cooling racks or something you hang other items on?

  2. There's nothing so happy as a sozzled cake!
    Jane x

  3. Had to laugh about the cake having enough booze to be content.
    Anne xx

  4. The cake looks delicious. Those tinned pies are my husbands secret vice, served with tinned marrow fat peas and mash xxx

  5. Thanks for sharing. I love your wall shelves. X

  6. I really love your bench space and the hooks. Very Cool.... Confession ... ive never made a Christmas cake because there are so many around me that do and who am i to rob them of the opportunity to gift one to me. I end up with several.

  7. That sounds just like me - enough booze to keep me content for a week!
    Joy x x

  8. I love your kitchen, I must do my christmas cake next week and try making bread again, I don't have much luck but I think I probably try to rush it.

  9. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Found them all.

  10. So good to see a working kitchen, not all perfectly tidy. Woo xx

  11. Love your kitchen and it's not just a kitchen for show but a proper working kitchen : )

  12. Busy work surface; I love the look of the cake. Only 58 days to go!


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