
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Rule, Britannia!

The garden table from the CB …

… has now been painted and a new top made by DH. (Boards were biscuit jointed and a circular saw and router used to make the circle and edges.) This video (6 minutes in) shows a table saw in action cutting a circle.

It looks much better now. The bench has had a makeover and I've just finished painting the other table base and the parasol base. They can just be seen in the first picture. The rectangular table needs another top making and then there will only be one more garden ornament to paint this year. The 'new' table is called a Britannia table. It is now our table of choice, at the moment, for the patio.

It's been another sunny, warm day here. The forecast was rain but not a drop fell. We can't rule the waves for Britannia today!


PS Cat tree information.

We used 50 metres (about 50p a metre) of rope to cover two of the tree legs. (Screwfix)
The covering thin carpet cost £9.
The wood is re-cycled school library shelves.
The top basket was DD's cat basket and cost about £7.
The tubes were cardboard rolls from the carpet shop.
We used contact spray adhesive to stick the carpet and rope.
The labour was free.



  1. The table looks great. You've had a very busy day.

  2. The table looks great. I could do with a new one myself, the leg has just broken on ours, rotted away.

  3. Thanks you for the cat tree details. I purchased a second had table and two chairs this summer, but I will have them dipped and painted next spring, I have no where to store them over winter,

  4. Lovely job, well done, everything looks beautiful.
    I love your choice of paint color, can you tell me what it is please.
    I have some pieces to refinish and would like to copy if that is OK.
    Thank you.
    Pam in Texas.xx

    1. Hi Pam, it's Ronseal no rust metal paint - smooth green.


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