
Friday 12 September 2014

The edible back garden

I have to reach up quite high to pick our runner beans. Not to worry if I leave some to mature as I use the seed for next year.

The asparagus ferns and leeks can just be
seen on the right.

This basket full is for sharing - one portion for me for the freezer, 2 portions for colleagues and the fourth for me for eating for my tea.

Here is the last bunch of grapes from over 50 that have grown on the vine in the greenhouse. The variety is Muscat of Alexandria and it is a sweet dessert grape which is also used for making wine. I just eat the grapes which are delicious. Unfortunately the grapes grow too big to fit on the bunch so some go bad and I have to pick off the best grapes. DH has bought me some grape scissors so that I can thin the bunches out next year.

The leaves on the vine will now die back and fall to the ground and I'll prune the vine branches back ready for next year.

PS A warm welcome to two new followers. It would be nice to know how you came across this blog and why you started following. :)



  1. The grapes look fabulous! Ours are wild,small ,purple,and bitter...but the wildlife love them!
    Jane x

  2. I like the beans taken out of the pods and cooked fresh, I have been gifted some this year but will have my own next year. I do save some for seed and some dried for use in casseroles, very similar to red kidney beans.

  3. Great photos. Must get to work on my veggie patch.

  4. The grapes look lovely. My dad is growing some grapes in the green house and they too were sweet but also had a slightly scented taste. No idea of the variety. Please would you do a post on how you prune you grape vine. I have one outside that needs pruning and I don't know where to start. Thanks

  5. It's been a great year for beans. We've eaten loads, shared some with family and friends and stocked the freezer ready for winter. There's still plenty to pick yet too, I just hope the weather stays fine so they go on a while longer.

  6. Sadly I havent grown much this year. Hopefully next year will be better. Lots of my lovely work colleagues have been bringing in their excess fruit and veggies though so next best thing to growing my own!


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