
Saturday 26 July 2014

It's hot

… but it didn't stop me getting out and about.

Out to the CS to pay for some items I took yesterday to try on.

Out to the shops to buy cat food.

Out in the front garden to pick a bunch of flowers.

Look who else is out and about with his friends on the buddleia.



  1. It's too hot for me. I was outside until 11am then retired to the house until 3pm. Even now it's too hot to do much. It's never too hot to go to a chazzer though lol x

  2. A beautiful peacock butterfly. I Haven't seen many butterflies at all this year, such a shame. I've been hiding indoors in this heat, it's no good for me.

  3. The first thing i thought of was "is that real?" How beautiful. The only butterflies i see around mu garden are those bloody (i can say that word all day here in Oz, its part of the vernacular) white cabbage moths. I hardly ever see any with colour. I need to plant more flowers i think.

  4. A beautiful butterfly. I have never seen one for real only in pictures and photos.

  5. Thanks Mum for your comment on my crochet shapes, I couldn't do them if I didn't enjoy it, better than watching loads of rubbish on tv. lol
    I agree, its hot but I don't work well in the hot, maybe its the extra luggage I carry on my hips etc but I can't wait for the cooler weather. In the meantime, its a good excuse for not doing too much housework. lol

  6. Its too hot for me too, but saying that we have had some rain in the early hours so a bit cooler at the moment
    Julie xxxxxxx


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