
Friday 20 June 2014

Alphabet Blogging - F

F is for Fantastic

 - that I've now got tomatoes on some of my tomato plants. The plants we grew from seed only grew so far and then stopped growing altogether because we had some rubbish compost. Some of this compost was dug into the soil in the greenhouse so we thought all was lost even though we bought in 6 new plants. Now one of these plants has produced some tomatoes - not spectacular ones - but fantastic to see because we'd given up hope of a crop this year.

- that each year plants grow and produce fruit. We had the first of our strawberries this week ...

and also the first of the mange-tout. Now there's hundreds of them.

- that someone is able to paint likenesses in such detail ...

and that the painting is as large as a house!

-  that no dog,

or human was harmed in this yarn bombing.

- that I had the opportunity to see a jewel like moth in the greenhouse.

not a very clear pic

Now for more Alphabet Blogging please follow the links below.


Next week's letter is E.



  1. How clever is the crocheted dog and also the painting but not half as clever as you growing your own veg.

  2. Same here, tomatoes growing and the first strawberries harvested, wonderful, isn't it? Love the yarn bombed doggy.

  3. With all those mange- tout,a stir fry is in order!
    Jane x

  4. That painting is amazing, so love home grown tomatoes, mind are just starting to appear as well. x


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.