
Saturday 3 May 2014

Mum's Virtual Spring Fair - 2014

Welcome one and all to 

Mum's Virtual Spring Fair - 2014

My stall is able to move around. Here it is in one of my baskets.

We have a cake, a bottle, some bric-a-brac, some flowers and a raffle prize. Want to see more? - Here I'll set it out for you.

Try a piece of upside down rhubarb cake. The rhubarb grows prolifically in our front garden and it makes super crumbles. I thought I'd try something a bit different with it. I've been watching the Dad's Army series on Youtube and Godfey, one of the home guard veterans has a sister, Cissy, who is always making upside down cakes.

There's a link to one of the episodes here and a reference to the upside down cakes at 15 minutes 42 seconds in. I made this one in the microwave, hence its anaemic appearance.

Now what's in the bottle?

A light rose for the summery evenings or would you prefer a little drop of sherry? So civilised. Try a sip in one of my 'new to me' glasses. (It's only little - really!)

I thought I'd show you some of the bric-a-brac that's been donated to the fair. Is there anything you fancy here?

a few bits of (dusty) bakelite

some (old) vintage pots

a few trinkets

a selection of vases and one broken figurine
(that can't be put in the fair)
You must have some flowers to take home - spring flowers are so delightful and bring such cheer.

They are freshly picked from the garden.

And finally here's the raffle-prize. Oh, no need to hand over money - this is a virtual raffle. Just refer to the raffle in your comment and I'll enter your name into the basket. I'll draw out a name at the end of the week and who knows you may be a winner.

I have 2 copies of this book so I've put one in this virtual raffle. The book is not new but it is a great book to dip into each month, filled with 'Edith Holden's exquisite watercolour paintings of flowers, plants, birds and butterflies'.

For more Spring Fair offerings please visit - 


thrift deluxe


Carol from Spring Cottage

I'm sure that they will put up their stalls before the day is out. Have a happy, springy day.



  1. Lovely post Mum :)
    You have inspired me to go pick some rhubarb and make Ian an upside down cake xx

  2. It's the perfect weather today for a spring fair. There's so much rhubarb on the allotment, I'm trying to think of new things to do with it so your upside down cake has given me some inspiration. I'd love a virtual raffle ticket please.

    1. Hi Jo, have you tried rhubarb and ginger jam. It's really nice.

    2. I haven't, but I'm not really a lover of ginger. Perhaps rhubarb might be nice in a jam on its own.

  3. I fancy the rhubarb upside down cake as well and find myself hoping the poor broken figurine gets a second chance at life somewhere.

  4. Hi Mum.
    Sorry I'm a bit late. I over slept in and then been baking all morning but I'm all set up now, phew. You have some lovely bric-a-brac. I have 4 stalks on my rhubarb, 1st year so I'm not picking it as I understand you have to leave it until its 2nd year.

  5. Just popped over from thrift deluxe. The vintage pots are lovely and look even lovelier when filled with some spring flowers. I'd love to join in the raffle please.

  6. It's a bit early for sherry here (9:20am)..but I'll be back later!
    Jane x

  7. It is a glorious day today in Somerset, the upside down cake looks yummy. The virtual raffle prize is brilliant. I had that book once,,, not quite sure what happened to it. Off to check out the other blogs.

  8. Can I go in the virtual raffle please. I love the Country Diary. Years ago Dorma had a line of Country Diary inspired bed linen, mine is still going strong and still looks as attractive as the day I bought it. I shall be so sad when it finaly wears out.

    Lovely day here in the East Midlands, warmer too it was freezing yesterday....

  9. Sherry's just the ticket! Everything looks wonderful - the cake, the flowers, the beautiful trinkets. Thanks Mum.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.