
Monday 17 March 2014



 (with apologies to Lewis Carroll)
‘Twas knittig and the slipsy needs
Did twid and twiggle for an abe,
All knotsy were the bally wools
And the mumsy nit outrabed.
“Beware the Sockywock, O Mum!
The stits that slip, the needs that clack!
Beware the counting pat with some
Mistakes - oh woe, alack!”
She took her clicky needs in hand:
Long time the slippy stits she thwart --
Then rested she by the bloggy tree,
To tell the world her thoughts.
And, as she tipped and tapped away
The Sockywock, and tugley woo - l
Called in tantilistic way
'Pick me up and keep your cool!'
Heely flappy turn and gurn
Gusset sorted click away
Slipsy, knitsy, is this furn?
K2tog and ssk ( :[ )
One, two! One, two! And three and four!
The clicky kneeds went knitty clack
She strove to do just more and more,
Moved onwards, broke its back.
“And hast thou slain the Sockywok?”
“Oh no, not yet but to be fair
One joyous day, I’ll blog away
And show the world the finished pair.”


  1. I have just got my tongue in a real twist (not to mention my brain) getting my head around that!!!

  2. Now I know why my Dad calls socks, sockywoks!
    Jane x

  3. That is absolutely brilliant Mum!!

  4. This made me smile in a jabberwocky way :)

  5. Most clever! I admit I've had a pair on the needles since, oh, last winter.

  6. brilliant............and still grinning.! thanks for a great start to my day :-D

  7. Fabulous. I had to learn the Jabberwocky by heart at school, and it's one of the few poems that I can recite. I love your version! Lesley

  8. Greetings from Aus. I am the family "sock knitter" so always have a pair on the go, at the moment I am ahead, 2 pairs in the basket, as no-one expects me to knit through summer (and wot a summer we've had!) Stick with it Mum, after 30 yrs you can do them with your eyes shut, watching tv AND daydreaming! Red the Elder

  9. So funny. I'm knitting socks at the moment, too.


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