
Sunday 23 February 2014

List 52 - Week 8

I'm joining in with Dreamer's 52 list and am choosing small tasks that I've been avoiding and would like to do/finish. My list is written in my organiser and I hope this will give me a kick up the backside and spur me on. My eighth week task is:

8. Make a start on tidying up the back garden. It's not been cleared from last year's vegetable growing. It will soon be time to plant again and if you're not careful the growing season will have come and gone!

It's a fine day, cold but sunny so I'll clear the runner bean wigwam and cut back the asparagus. We've still got plenty of leeks to eat and there's beetroot to be cropped as well.

There, that didn't take long, did it! I can see some new asparagus shoots just breaking the surface of the soil.

And there's some beetroot to have with our tea tonight.

If it's fine tomorrow I'll clear another section. Leek soup again, anyone?



  1. Is beetroot easy to grow? I must try it, even if I am the only family member who really likes to eat it!

    1. It's really easy. Just sow the seed and leave it alone. Eat the beetroot at whatever size you like best. You can even eat the young leaves - they're delicious. The beetroot will overwinter.

  2. I'll have some leek soup and some beetroot,please...if that's not too greedy.
    Jane x

  3. Yum, I wish I had beetroot left to harvest.

  4. Great to have something harvesting at this time of year!

  5. Makes me feel very guilty that I have a garden going to waste.

  6. One of these days we will wake up and this miserable winter will have left, then we will all be rushing about catching up with garden preparations. Well done on making a start, at least it makes sowing time feel a little nearer :)

  7. Well done. I desperately need to clear my allotment, but it's been so wet I didn't want to venture on there. You might just have inspired me to give it a go this week if the weather holds.

  8. Well done you!
    Hubby tidied our front garden yesterday - we have a few leeks left in there. Our beetroot was finished ages ago. Note to self - tell hubby to plant more this year!


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.