
Sunday 9 February 2014

List 52 - Week 6

I'm joining in with Dreamer's 52 list and am choosing small tasks that I've been avoiding and would like to do/finish. My list is written in my organiser and I hope this will give me a kick up the backside and spur me on. My sixth week task is:

6. Start to tidy the cubby holes in the wall unit. There are 16 holes so tidying one at a time will make the job easier. Be ruthless and throw out or recycle anything that needs to go. Your excuse of 'these are working shelves' doesn't cut it. Start tidying today!

OK, I hear you loud and clear. Let's start with the overall picture. Oh, 'tis groaning, groaning under the weight of 'things' that will come in handy sometime.

Righto - number uno. Here are items packed in with no order or design.

Take out and sort.

Now I can't get rid of the purring pussycats yet. Those stick on eyes may be of use - I'll put them in my craft basket. Perhaps I should put the knitted cosy on my iPod.

Oh my, look what's behind. This Lego is supposed to be going on Ebay. It just needs checking, photographing, weighing and listing. Perhaps that's another job for List 52. Not today, I'm tidying.

My theme will be tins so I'll put my pens' tin and my buttons' tin on there with the others. That will free up space elsewhere.

They will join the black and white cottons' tin.

Do you like my star buttons? They arrived all the way from China in January - rather too late to put on top of my crocheted Christmas trees.

The small white box holds my German tree decoration. I couldn't put it in the loft, it's too pretty.

These catering tins are very useful for storing felt tips, pens and pencils.

I seem to have a collection of scissors too but they always come in handy, don't they. This pair folds up.  I should really attach it to my keyring.

There now. Not everything went back. Some items were thrown and some re-housed in other places. No doubt I'll find them again when I tidy another cubby hole. I added Captain Scarlet as there was a kind of red theme going on as well as a tin theme.

I wonder how long it will stay this way!



  1. Love the Captain Scarlet,, no more Mysterons hiding away then?

  2. That's a good start. I wonder what else you'll find when you tidy the rest out.

  3. Great post. I'm looking around my house in despair, because there are just so many things that I couldn't manage a 52 list! Planning to sell the house at some point this year, so that's my big stick - I've got to clear out before then!!! Now I just need a carrot to reward myself when done. Do you plan a self-reward?

    1. My reward is a tidy house. I doubt if I'll achieve it though!

  4. Well done you! I have been doing some sorting out in our bedroom today. You wouldnt believe the clutter (or maybe you would....). Most of it rubbish, well, stuff like old birthday/anniversary cards, old magazines etc. A lot has gone to the charity shop so that I can buy a whole load of someone elses stuff!!!

  5. So many interesting bits and bobs there!

  6. Great little scissors - on your keyring would be handy. Ive spent months decluttering and still have more to go. Small tasks completed quickly give you incentive to keep going. Sometimes big jobs get bogged down and never get finished. Enjoy your tidy unit.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.