
Thursday 16 January 2014

Mum's Chicken Casserole

"This is what I do!"

1. Chop up onions (I used 2), carrots (I used 2), peppers (I used 3 but left parts of each for use in a salad) and squash some garlic (I used one fat bulb). 
2. Get ready some tinned tomatoes or chopped tomatoes (I used 2 tins) and some corn. Oh, ***** **, I've taken a picture of a tin of peas. I suppose you could use peas. (I used 1 tin of corn!) Any additional veggie ingredient can be used.

3. In a large pan, using a tiny bit of oil, brown some chicken pieces. (However many you wish to use that will fit in your pan. I used 3 large thighs.)

4. Add in all the other ingredients plus 2 stock cubes, 1 tomato tin of water, a squirt of tomato ketchup, a table spoon of chutney, sloshes of soy sauce, Worcester sauce and hot chilli sauce and sprinklings of Italian seasoning, mixed herbs and chilli powder. 

5. Stick in oven on a medium heat for at least 2 hours. Thicken up the sauce with gravy granules if needed.

6. Eat.

I had mine with pasta and a side salad. DH had his with a baked potato.
Tonight we shall have ours with rice.
I may stretch the sauce that is left and make a lasagne.

Edit: I made a curry with the sauce that was left.

PS No sign of the Bloggy Blanket. I have emailed Peg and will email Fran today.


  1. Looks yummy, and very versatile!! Mis-read your last post and thought blanket had turned up!!! Sorry :) xx Hope you find it soon :)

  2. Sounds lovely - I make chicken casserole very similar way
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  3. Delicious. You're making me hungry.

  4. Sounds very tasty and food for thought.

  5. Sounds delicious, I've never cooked chicken with tomato sauce must try it. I think I would opt for the pasta, Mr B the jacket potato.;)

    Peg x


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