
Sunday 26 January 2014

List 52 Week 4

I'm joining in with Dreamer's 52 list and am choosing small tasks that I've been avoiding and would like to do/finish. My list is written in my organiser and I hope this will give me a kick up the backside and spur me on. My fourth week task is:

4. Take all (nearly all) the stuff that I'm tripping over and do something with it so that I can hoover the floor in the workroom.

OK then. 

The ear muffler headphones didn't work in one ear so I took apart a headband set which I'd bought as 'sleep headphones' (not a chance, very uncomfortable) and put the wires and speakers into the ear mufflers. It involved quick unpicking and extricating the wires, then sewing it all back together again by hand. 

I did it!!!!
... only to find that I must have sewn through one of the wires, because after all that work, the ear muffler headphones did not work at all!

Oh phooey - add it back to the list.

OK then.

DD had thrown out some clothes that had seen better days. "Take them to the CS for rags."
DH needed some rags for the garage so I decided that our need was greater and cut up the fabric into useable cloths.

Success this time. :)

OK then.

A while ago I'd cut out some bits to make birthday cards and left the pieces on the floor to trip over. 

I trip no more!



  1. This is a fab idea isn't it, well done on your jobs crossed off, shame about the earphones but at least you gave it a try xx

  2. A nice bit of recycling and clearing up done :)
    Pity the headphones didn't work out x

  3. I have a clearing up job on my list too. Great idea with the earphones- just a shame they didn't work after all your efforts.
    Love the cards!

  4. Good for you - four down, just 48 to go lol
    I did one set of windows yesterday - does that count??
    Take care

  5. Shame about the headphones, but at least you have 4 jobs done!! I just keep walking over the stuff in my workroom...perhaps I should join in!!

  6. Well done Mum. Nice try with the headphones, you can't win them all.


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