
Friday 6 December 2013

Mum's Advent Calendar 6, Days Left 19

Find me

Jolly good jolly the other day to the Open Doors Day at the Winter Gardens. Most doors were open for visitors and many visitors were there for a fantastic nosey around the building. Here's the stage door office decorated with memorabilia.

We even got to view the dressing rooms in the Opera House - all mod cons in this one.

Information posters were in all areas showing the building in its original state.

Many stars and celebrities have trodden the boards in the theatres.

This room is behind the ballroom.

And here's the ballroom again.

We were able to go onto the balconies and this sulky lady greeted us.

It's just as impressive from on high.

The Baronial Hall was set out for a wedding.

When the Queen visited for the Royal Variety Performance her every needs were met. I can safely say that I have now sat on the Queen's throne!

Jolly good music today as I walked into town. Does anyone else sing along to their iPod while walking along? I have to make sure there is no-one else within listening distance!

Jolly good progress on making my heart wreath. I started the covering and guessed the size as the heart form hadn't arrived from Apple Blossom Dreams.

Jolly good thing that it arrived today and my guessed measurements were correct.

Jolly good that Astri had crocheted me a poinsettia plus 2 of her signature roses. Thank you so much, Astri.

Deck the Halls with Boughs of Jolly. Tra la la la la .... la la la la!

I am linking my Advent Garland to KC's Court this year for a really Advent Bloggy Christmas.



  1. That looks like a good day out. Snowy's hiding a little too well today.

  2. Okay,, where is Snowy? I can't see him today.

  3. Impressive building and architecture ... and particularly like the Queen's throne LOL! Thank the heavens for ipods Mum!!! It is such a practical thing and now can take my speakers and ipod around with me to all my classes and not worry about if there is a cdplayer or not. I also nod off to sleep with my music it helps!!! Do wish I could get hold of those foam shapes here for wreaths and cone christmas trees...have yet to find where I can buy them from!!! tut!! Looking forward to seeing the finished item with those gorgeous red flowers!
    Keep well

    Amanda :-)

    1. Astri has detailed information on her blog plus where you can buy the wreath forms.

  4. Snowman must have been 'flushed with success' as he's so well hidden.
    Jane x

  5. Lovely pictures, and a very sulky looking lady, I agree....but I couldn't find Snowy either...where is he???

  6. Now, come on, you're not looking hard enough!

  7. Fab pictures, I took some pictures the other week when L was in a dance competition but they didn't turn out do well, the ballroom is so big the flash on my little camera wasn't strong enough.
    You have hidden snowy very well but I think I have found him. I'll give the other reader a bit of a clue - There is a little bit of extra red where it shouldn't be. Am I right Mum?

    1. Certainly are. Who's a clever girl, then!
      Love from Mum

  8. Nope, still can't see him....more clues please : )

  9. Oh good the package arrived, and a fine job you have done, my dear! Happy holidays Mum!


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