
Tuesday 3 December 2013

Mum's Advent Calendar 3, Days Left 22

My friend was having a de-clutter and passed on some dressing up clothes for me to 'deal with'. This home-made flapper dress was sparkly enough to make Christmas wrappings so out came the scissors and quick unpick.

The black sparkle has already been used for DD's birthday pressie.

The sequin number is now a reusable pressie bag complete with zip opening.

Methinks it needs a fairly large present inside it!

Next out of the bag came a padded silver jacket. This made some smaller padded pressie bags and with the left over fabric I made a bow tie for teddie.

Making a bow tie - Two rectangles were folded in half and sewn round leaving a gap for turning.

The gaps were sewn together with ladder stitch so the stitches wouldn't show.

Does anyone else have difficulty threading the machine? I can't even see the thread to poke it through the threader helper.

Make sure you give the corners a good poking to push them out.


Hey, man, what's happening there!

I am linking my Advent Garland to KC's Court this year for a really Advent Bloggy Christmas.



  1. I see Snowman number three ! Great recycling x

  2. What a great idea to use unwanted clothes in this way. The presents look fabulous wrapped in fabric. I like Teddy's bow tie too.

  3. What a great idea, making gift wrapping. I love Teddy's bow, he looks very smart. I found Snowy hiding in full view today.

  4. My problem is getting the spool ....well, erm 'spooled' in the spool holder thingy,the thread goes it's own way, not the way it's supposed to. One of the many reasons I don't use my machine.
    Jane x

  5. Wow you have been busy what a great way to recycle a dress. I love Mr bears Bow he looks smashing, dee x

  6. What special wrapping you have and I love teddy's bow tie. I really struggle with threading now, I have to move back to see, but then I'm too far away to see properly... sigh... :) xx

  7. Fab ideas out of an old dress!! What is 'ladder' stitch? And yes, I too have trouble getting the cotton into the needle...I find it hard to get the threader helper through first!! : )

  8. Snowy looks rather proud on his sparkly background! Brilliant bow tie for Ted!

  9. Teddy's bow tie is awesome but I like the cute little snowman best of all.

  10. Your recycling is amazing I am so impressed. Teddy bow is gorgeous. xx

  11. Teddy looks very smart. Great idea for the gift bags, one I may do in the future when I've recycled all my glossy gift bags and got down my Christmas paper stash. Found Mr Snow couldn't find him yesterday.

  12. I've just seen this post. Blimey, how creative and clever are you. Genius makes. So that's what a threader thingy looks like. I found one in our spare bedroom yesterday (what the heck it was doing there I know not) and thought that's what it might be. xx


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