
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Mum's Advent Calendar 18, Days Left 7

Find me
Remember the poinsettia wreath? I busied myself making poinsettias while waiting for the heart forms to arrive, thinking I would be ahead of the game. The styrofoam forms came but I had to revert to a Plan B, choosing stars to put on instead of flowers.

Why? Well it seems I ordered a size smaller than the original one and the poinsettias looked too big for these smaller wreaths. I may think of a different motif for the next one or I may make smaller flowers with a smaller hook and thinner yarn.

I am linking my Advent Garland to KC's Court this year for a really Advent Bloggy Christmas.



  1. They still look lovely though. Found Rudolph Snowy.

  2. Found. Like the stars very much.

  3. A reindeer squished by a flower..that's a turn up for the books!
    Jane x

  4. I like the one on the left bottom, we all do things like that, I think. I know if things went perfectly normal around here, I wold wonder what was wrong! grin!

  5. Found snowy. I love all the different snowmen you have made. I can't wait to see them as a garland.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.