
Saturday 28 December 2013

Bit by bit

I've started dismantling Christmas. I don't do it all at once but bit by bit so that it's all put away by the 6th. Today was the turn of the cards which were sorted into relevant piles. Most of the cards are everlasting ones which I shall envelope up and put away for next year so saving time next Christmas. The dining room decs will be next and the last to come down will be the  fireplace garlands and the tree. The new year will see a thorough clean of the picture rails and carpet edges (where pine needles hide). I feel I ought to go for the clean and simple no cluttered look in January as a contrast to the December extravaganza.

Cool, calm and collected is the aim but before that we have a fancy dress party to attend on New Year's Eve, with the fancy dress costume to begin with the New Year's Eve initials.

DH thought of going nude with just a fig leaf!!! (nude, nothing on at all).

or what about

putting on any fancy dress and going as 'no idea'!!!

Yogi Bear?


Easter Bunny?


I'm not going as a nymphomaniac!

I've been making DH's costume today and it just needs a little more work on it tomorrow and it will be done. We're still eating through the remnants of the turkey. Yesterday was turkey curry and today was turkey leftovers' pie with chips. The microwave Christmas pudding is half devoured and the Christmas cake broken into. All the mince pies are gone but there may still be a few lurking in the freezer.

Diets all round next year.



  1. My goodness Mum! I still love to have our decorations up until the first week of January.

  2. Sounds like a fun party to go to!

  3. Yes .. I've started .. all the wilted Holly and shrivelled greenery... looking forward to a 'quiet' tidy house.

  4. Can't wait to de frock the house also. New year fresh start and all that. Budget, goals and health plan to be written. Quite looking forward to next few days actually.

  5. No undecorating to do here as we went away for Christmas so didn't bother putting anything up at home. I did have to take down the tree etc at my mum's house before we came home though. She is away until March and I didn't think she would appreciate returning to a tree and decorations then :)

  6. Our decorations will be up until next weekend, I usually take them down before school starts again. Have fun at the party, I can't wait to hear what costume you decide on.

  7. I'll be making a start on our decs too, soon. Then the front room has a thorough spring-clean, especially as having an open fire makes it very dusty, but that's a small price to pay for a roaring flame!


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