
Sunday 10 November 2013

What's for tea?

Leek soup made from leeks from the garden, a stock cube, water, onion and potato all cooked then whizzed up with a little bit of milk at the end,

served with cheese and tomato toasties made with the stale end of a French stick and home grown tomatoes.

For afters - Dorset Apple Cake - 8 oz flour, butter, and brown sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and some of the given windfall apples. I added a little bit of cinnamon too. It was baked for about 45 minutes at 160 degrees C in a fan oven.

This was served with custard and received favourable comments from DH.



  1. Have you got room for one extra?

  2. Now I'm jealous. I never got my leeks planted out, so I'm without those, and I've just finished the last of this year's tomatoes, apart from those I've frozen, so I'm without those too. I hope you enjoyed it all, it looks delicious.

  3. Wonderful meal. Now I am hungry. Dianne

  4. It's great when you can feed the troops cheaply isn't it - and have them appreciate it as well

  5. Mmmm what an inviting meal, we've had homemade leek and potato soup and home baked bread for lunch today. The dessert sounds lovely will have to try it.

    Peg xx


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