
Saturday 16 November 2013

Sunshine Award

Thank you to Jo over at Through the Keyhole blog for giving me a Sunshine Award. (This is my 3rd award. Read about the others here.) I'm always happy to accept because the questions are all different each time.

'The Sunshine Award is an award given to those who inspire us and bring sunshine into our lives.'

There are a few simple rules:-

1) Include the award logo in your blog post.

2) Link to the person who nominated you.

3) Answer 10 questions about yourself.

4) Nominate other bloggers.

Jo's 10 questions are as follows:-

1) Do you have any Christmas traditions?

Yes, certainly do.

a. Get up at a reasonable hour, not too early.
b. When the children were small they dragged their bag of presents into our bedroom and we all got to see what Father Christmas had brought.
c. Prepare Christmas lunch, with help from anyone who is at hand, in the morning.
d. Eat at 1pm.
e. Open presents from around the tree after the Christmas meal.
f. Watch the Queen at 3pm.
g. Eat chocolate.
h. Have a turkey sandwich when next hungry.
i. Have a bath and lounge in front of the tele.

2) Do you eat turkey on Christmas day?

Yes, it's always turkey, sprouts, carrots, leeks, cauliflower cheese, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, roast and mashed potato with gravy. Oh and pigs in blankets. 

3) Christmas pudding, Christmas cake or mince pie, which is your favourite?

Sherry trifle is my favourite.

4) Where do you spend Christmas day?

At home.

5) Approximately, how many people do you buy or make presents for?

DH, DD, her boyfriend and his mum, DS, his wife and her parents and maybe the cats. That's about 8. Oh, and one friend who usually buys us a present even though we tell her not to. Here's a sneak peek of one pressie.

6) What is your favourite Christmas song?

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas sung by Bing Crosby. All together now!

7) What is your favourite Christmas film?

I don't have one. I like to see films just once, not over and over again.

8) Do you have a real or fake tree?

Always a real tree but I do have small fake ones here and there. I love the smell of a real Christmas tree and love the tradition of dressing it. (Oh that's another tradition, isn't it.

I also decorate the house with Christmas trimmings and make my own Christmas cards.)

9) What's the best and worst presents you've ever received?

I don't think I have a best or a worst. I always want a 25 Beautiful Homes mag and some Pears soap but they don't always materialise.

Christmas present bag

10) What are you looking forward to most this Christmas?

A houseful of Christmas spirit from all within.

I nominate all those on my Blog list as candidates for this award and anyone who follows this blog regularly. You bring sunshine into my life each evening and you have definitely inspired me to make, bake, sew, crochet and try out many new ideas.

Bring me sunshine in your smile,
Bring me laughter all the while.
In this world where we live there should be more happiness,
So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow.
Make me happy though the years,
Never bring me any tears.
Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above.
Bring me fun, bring me sunshine, bring me love.

Bring me sunshine in your eyes,
Bring me rainbows from the clear blue skies.
Life's too short to be spent having anything but fun,
We can be soon content if we gather little sunbeams.
Be light hearted all day long.
Keep me singing a happy song.
Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above,
Bring me fun, bring me sunshine, bring me love.

And here are my 10 questions for anyone who wishes to answer them in one of their posts. I'll keep the questions appropriate to this time of year. Please link back here so I can read your posts.

1. What would be your first thought if you saw the first flakes of snow falling from the sky?

2. Let's suppose you had to dress someone's snowman. What hat would you put on its head?

3. Do you celebrate this season? If so, how?

4. It's cold, wet and blustery and you have to go out. What do you wear on your feet?

5. What game would you recommend for a seasonal party for friends and neighbours?

6. You are going to a seasonal party for friends and neighbours - how would you like to spend the evening?

7. Do you have a favourite decoration for putting out at this time of year? Please describe.

8. Have you written your Christmas cards yet?

9. Are you making or crafting anything seasonal at the moment?

10. There's always something to like about each season. What do you particularly associate with this season?



  1. What a lovely blog and congrats on the award. I love what you've done with the words of the song, that is so thoughtful. The crocheted nativity and garland are gorgeous too.

  2. Thank you for accepting the award and for the lovely post. I enjoyed reading all the answers to the questions I set and you've illustrated them perfectly. I love the snowflake garland, I might have a go at something like that this year (if I find time).

  3. Congratulations on your award! It is well deserved.
    Jane x

  4. I really enjoyed reading about your Christmas traditions x

  5. Well you certainly bring sunshine into my life. My lack of comments is down to me reading them on my tablet and then when I try to sign in to comment it just bounces, only way I can describe it, I just cant hit on the sign on button. I will give the questions a go, and link to you. Others traditions are fascinating.

  6. I do love to read these sorts of posts mum. Its nice to get to know a bit more about the person behind the blog. Very time consuming though!!

  7. Hi Mum. Congratulations on your award. I enjoyed reading about your Christmas. I have linked back to you and answered your questions.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.