
Saturday 23 November 2013

Kitchen Window - November 2013 plus extra!

Nearly the end of November - time flies by.

I thought I'd treat myself to a bunch of seasonal flowers. The bit of trailing plant going across to the cooker died but the rest of it is still going strong. My conkers seem to be multiplying. At the left hand side is a device that shows you how much you are spending on electricity. Oo - er!

DD had a birthday and her work colleagues sent her flowers. It's pretty floral in this kitchen.

Mince pies here I come.

While the cooker was on I roasted the pumpkin.

Right - recipe at the ready ...

and the mincemeat was made the other day.

Looks like the pumpkin's ready.

It was a lot of messing around taking off the skin but it came away quite easily.

The seeds were duly washed - good job we're not on a meter - and then roasted with butter and salt. The pulp was mushed and will be stored in the freezer.

I'm now 'resting' from all the work in the kitchen and have started a new project, the result of trying to help KC's Court. I'm quite enjoying knitting again.

Soon be Christmas!

Sherry time is sooner, though!



  1. Such a nice post. I've always loved your window pictures :o)

  2. Hello! I'm visiting you from Astri's place! Congratulations for winning her guessing game for the Poinsettia wreath in a heart shape!

    Your mince pies look gorgeous. I'm making my mincemeat this weekend! I share your method of baking and skinning a pumpkin too. It's brilliant, isn't it?
    Hope you have a lovely weekend. We're getting snow flurries here!
    Greetings from Sandra

  3. I think I'd panic if I could see just how much electricity we were using, I've never had one of those gadgets. I'm back on my knitting again, it's making a nice change from crochet.

  4. Hi Mum. Thanks for visiting me at Simplify! I have been here to read a bit of your blog. Love it.
    xo Kris

  5. IRYPT too! Enjoyed it too mum. MInce pies....yum!

  6. Wow, Mum, I have missed reading your blog for a few weeks, so I had to get caught up! You have been busy. Mince pies! Yes. I love it, but I have never made my own mince meat. I saw a recipe there, so I am going to try it. Hope my hubby likes it. Like your idea of the advent calendar, too! Love Christmas, and am really enjoying preparations this year. Am making gifts, garlands, cowls, blankets, etc. fun... xxoo. JO


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