
Monday 4 November 2013

Finally finished

It's been a long haul from 2012. This blanket was supposed to be mine when it started out but the beginning squares ended up as a blanket for DS and DIL and a blanket for DD. So now 552 squares later (100 + 100 + 352) I finally have my blanket. It measures 16 squares by 22 squares and each square is 4 rounds of Stylecraft DK (plus some other DK that found its way into my basket).

The dimensions are 6' 2'' by 8' 2''.

It drapes down to the ground on our double bed and fits snuggly from the top headboard to the bottom headboard.

The grannies are edged with a ripple edging as I didn't want anything too lacy.

I did 5 rounds of treble shells then 4 rounds of UK dc hooking into the back of the stitches, followed by a round of half trebles, ch 1. From there I did a 'Lucy' ripple but any gentle ripple row would do. There was no base row for the ripple as I wanted a gently wave to the bottom of the blanket. Each ripple row went into the back stitches of the previous row. The final round was a reverse dc round which gives a ridged edge.

Wave, wave.

The original idea was on According to Matt's blog, (whose original idea came from Attic 24 Lucy's blog) and the edging I made up as I went along with ideas I'd read about elsewhere.

So now what?



  1. Now that is a real joy to behold! I bet you're really chuffed with how well its turned out and those colours remind me of dolly mixtures - a good thing in itself! xx

  2. Beautiful! I have a blanket for myself on the back burner-someday I may actually get to finish it!

  3. Wow, it looks fantastic, well done. Joy xx

  4. It's gorgeous! And I love them extra long so I know my feet will stay warm.

  5. That is beautiful.I love the edging.As a fellow blanket maker I know how many hours you have spent on this!I have just started a hexagon blanket for my granddaughter.I have never done hexagons before.

  6. Impressive.....very well done!!! It looks absolutely wonderful!!!

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  7. That is one beautiful blanket - well done. I will be 66 in 2015, if I am spared, get cracking! Seriously I am so envious.x

  8. What a wonderful blanket, well done you.
    Pam in TX.xx

  9. Mum, It is beautiful, and HUGE!!! No wonder it took to long, but it was worth the effort. Well done, look forward to the next one!

  10. Beautiful blanket - I'm really envious - well done xxx

  11. WOW. Now that is a work of art, it's beautiful and gorgeous. Love it.

  12. You must be really thrilled at the end result of all that hard work. It looks great on the bed xx

  13. This is gorgeous! Such beautiful colours, and such lovely work :) Well done! xx

  14. A stunningly beautiful crocheted coverlet. Wonderful!! Thanks for shring this. Dianne

  15. that is beautiful, I like the wave!

  16. your blanket is beautiful. Carolx

  17. Oh so beautiful - well done !

  18. I love that, and I fully appreciate the time it took to make having made a lap blanket similar.
    I usually go off around the half way mark and have a job to get motivated again but in this case I did complete.
    Whats next?

  19. Quite's beautiful! Congratulations on getting one made for yourself at last !!

  20. It's really fabulous, gorgeous colours. It will keep you lovely and snug this winter.

  21. Oh Mum, it is sooooo beautiful. No wonder that both your lovely puss-cats wanted to snuggle on it while you tried to work around the outer edges. I'm so happy for you - and that you are keeping this for yourself. Just in time for your cooler nights!

    Sending care and huggles,
    Michelle/Mickle down in Wellington, NZ xxx

  22. Absolutely beautiful and certainly food for thought.

  23. As Michelle said - finished just in time for the winter months. Time very well spent on a gift for both of you and the other two lol
    Take care

  24. That is gorgeous, I love the edging. I am so jealous.

  25. So, so beautiful. You've inspired me to dig out my bags full of knitted squares (I don't crochet unfortunately) and finally make them into something.

  26. Mum, that blanket is beeyutiful!!! The colors are so bright and cheery, and I too like the edging. Nice job. I am now working on one for my granddaughter, and she wants it to fit a full bed. You will be my inspiration. lol. xxoo. JO


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