
Saturday 2 November 2013

Christmas Cake

Done and fed. Recipe concocted from various posts with 8oz SR flour, sugar (mixture of browns) and butter, 4 eggs, a 500g packet of mixed fruit, 100g glace cherries, 100g mixed peel, a lemon zest and juice and 2 tsp mixed spice.

The fruit was soaked in gin, brandy and whiskey for a few weeks and the cake has had its first drink of gin.



  1. First drink of gin? There'll be more? You'll have to wring the cake out!
    Jane x

  2. It's going to be a hell of a boozy christmas cake!! Tony is lacing his cake weekly with sherry but it does smell rather nice.

  3. I've never heard go lacing one with gin before! It'll be delicious!

  4. I want some!!! lol. Looks wonderful! I've never tasted a cake like that. By the way, Mum, check out my latest post and see the green blanket you commented on a few weeks ago. I finally finished it. Have a great weekend. xxoo. JO

  5. My goodness sounds like an alkies paradise - I'm assuming all the recipients are not teetotallers lol
    Take care

  6. That looks lovely. I adore Xmas cake but I'm not making one this year and no mince pies either since I'm the only one who really likes them and I know I'd end up eating the whole thing myself. I did that one year...not all in one day, I hasten to add...but over the space of a week. Since I've lost so much weight over the last year there's no way I'm doing that again and putting it all back on, so no cake or mincies for me this year. I'd love to see yours when its all iced up though and I can virtually drool over the finished product.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.