
Friday 25 October 2013

Universal language

She couldn't speak a word of English yet we were able to communicate in oohs and aahs when I saw her with her crocheted handkerchief case. She brought out of it a handkerchief with a beautifully crocheted border - done with fine cotton and a 2mm hook. Here' someone crocheting a similar border.

I showed her pictures of my simple pieces and the oohs and aahs continued with smiles and nods. This grandma, later in the evening was then wheeled over to me by her son and very kindly, indicated that she wanted me to have her handkerchief case because I had admired it so. I couldn't refuse, could I?

Grandma, I've crocheted a little present, just for you. I dug out my stash of fine cotton yarn and a 1.75mm hook; I 'borrowed' DH's magnifying specs and crocheted this bookmark for you. I found a link to the pattern on one of the blogs I read. (Please say if it's yours and then I can link to you - I've searched high and low for it again and cannot find it.) It's basically 4 granny squares edged with UK doubles.

I will try to make you another handkerchief case to replace the one you gave me.

And I will try to send it to you for Christmas.

Happy Hooking and thank you for introducing me to your fine, very fine crochet work.


  1. How lovely ... it got me wondering .. how many times over the ages have women formed a bond a friendship over a piece of needlework.

    Vicky x


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