
Thursday 3 October 2013

I once was lost but now am found

What do you do when you move your blog and your old blog is no more and lost in the ether? What happens to all the followers and people who have bookmarked your site. They can no longer find you. This has happened to Foster Mummy of My Beautiful Life and I've received an S.O.S from her:

Hi it's FM here. My blog has moved to:
Can I ask you to publicise this please as something horrid has happened and I can't access any of my old blog or the last four years' worth of blogs - aaargh!! This means I can't find my list of 400+ follwers either, and I genuinely love to spread a little bit of happiness through my blog. Many thanks, FM xxxxx

If you didn't know her blog before here's a chance to meet her in her new place. If you've been a follower please follow her again and amend her details in your own blog. FM - I'm coming over!

Whoops, I feel a little ditty coming along.

'If I can help somebody as I go along
Then my living shall not be in vain.'



  1. On the same topic. Does anyone know what has happened to SIlverSewer? She disappeared about a month ago.
    Helen in France

    1. Someone commented on my blog that she had problems with a troll, and removed her blog before she went on holiday. She must be back by now so don't know if she will re appear

    2. I hope so. I really enjoy her blog about everyday things plus some sewing at times
      Helen in France

  2. found and followed, thanks xx

  3. Found and followed too xx


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