
Monday 16 September 2013

Heritage Tour - 2

There was a lot going on at North Pier during Heritage Open Day as it is also celebrating its 150th anniversary. We toured the pier, watched 2 free performances, one a chat with Charlie Cairoli Jr and one a variety show. The weather for the tour was sunny but on the performance days it was gale force and chucking it down so the turn out was low - such a shame. Here are a few old pics of the pier.

And here is an old projector from when the theatre showed films.

The theatre was larger inside than out - very strange.

We were allowed onto the stage, backstage and ...

and around the dressing rooms which were sumptuously decorated with deco wallpaper, chandeliers, pictures and flowers.

The dressing rooms were like hotel rooms with coffee making facilities and drinks fridges.

Couches and ensuites were in the main dressing rooms.

Mirrors were everywhere so we artistes could check our make-up and clothes.

The even had a sea view!

In the office there was one vital document on show. Two previous theatres went up in flames and the third was saved from burning by one of the artistes - Vince Hill.

Thank you to the bloggers who have signed up for the Tea Party. I've made a simple (can't do difficult) button to display on your blogs if you wish to invite more people to the 'do'.


Welcome to another new follower. My numbers creep up slowly.


  1. It looks like a great day out. It's a shame that the weather kept people at home.

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Love the photos of the pier.

  3. It looks like you had so much fun,what a shame that there had been fires there. I love the pictures, it looks so pretty.

  4. That looks interesting. I hope the piers keep open, it's what Blackpool is all about, those and the trams.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.