
Saturday 14 September 2013

Heritage Tour - 1

I really enjoyed visiting local places during Heritage Open Days last year and this year I opted for a tour of homes which were built for the 1906 Cottage Exhibition at Cleveleys in the Fylde.

All of the cottages are still standing but other homes have been built in between. Click on the links for more information. The house below was the one that has kept true to the original building.

PS Talking of this year and last year, would anyone like a Virtual Tea Party again this year? Just a yeah or nay will do at the moment. I'll post more detail later if we have a few responses. Look at our other Virtual Tea Parties if you've not joined in before.

PPS Welcome to my new follower.



  1. The top house looks just like my childhood home.
    Yeah to the tea party from me xx

  2. They're pretty cottages. We had a few hours out at a museum which was part of the Heritage Weekend.

  3. Do you get to go inside the houses?
    Jane x

  4. The heritage weekend has come at the wrong time for me. I really wanted to do a couple of tours this year but I'm just too busy. Love the cottage.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.